Monday, 18 December 2006


My master has asked to to keep a blog for him, I am not sure which form the blog will take at the moment but I guess time will tell; as long as it keeps him happy.
I am still in training as his submissive. I want to be able to enhance his life in any way I can, I hope my presence is always a pleasure to him.
Training has been hard (emotionally) at times and this is all down to my inability to loose some of my negative personality traits such as stubbornness, not a good trait in the perfect submissive:) .
I am deeply in love with my Master, and it was me that asked him to become my Master, many years into our solid relationship. I had a immense desire to give him more than I already did. After intensive research I discovered that the feelings I had were that of a submissive in a Ds relationship.
My master has asked me to keep this blog as we have found that there are not many submissives publishing what it is really like to live this lifestyle 24/7 so here it is; well it will be!

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