Was driving back from the city yesterday, after a successful Christmas shopping trip. The city had not been too crowded and I had found the experience an altogether enjoyable experience (I wonder do all submissives enjoy buying presents this much?)
I have to drive through the heart of the forest to get home; this is generally a pleasant experience and usually serves me well. But more often than not, if I am alone, I drive through after dark or in the summer when all you can see are the trees that line the road; a great wall of green through which the occasional pony or deer can be seen peeking. But today the sun was shining and it must be pannage time as the pigs were out in force snaffling the acorns, which is always an intriguing sight. It suddenly stuck me that I could see far back into the forest itself; the pigs were on a carpet of orange and gold and the sun was streaking in through the bare trees, you don’t need me to tell you it was beautiful and my heart soared.
So why am I sharing this? Well I have always been a ‘stop and smell the roses’ type of person – theoretically… but sometimes life gets in the way and we need a little nudge in that direction. Nature is amazing and sometimes we become blind to it as we go about our daily chores.
But we can do the same with people around us, I have many friends and acquaintances that have in conversation told me they are very much in love with their partners but haven’t had time to speak to each other in days, they have a marriage but not necessarily a relationship.
This is where I feel the Ds bond helps: My Masters’ orders are to keep him informed of my feelings with everything we do and I have until now had to keep a daily journal – and now this blog – We converse everyday and he has His time in the evening where we spend quality time together. As relationships go he is stopping to smell the roses, I am feeling cherished and our relationship is nourished. I wonder whose relationship is more healthy? I'm willing to bet it would be the Ds one.
Or is it just me? Comments very welcome :-)
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